Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I don't even know I have a blog at the moment..because it's not like I've had much excitement in my life lately.

I had cereal again last night. borrrring. I was on a cereal kick yesterday, strange since I usually think cereal is completely unsatisfying. Maybe that's why I ate so much of it yesterday?
I had my overnight oats for breakfast but used water overnight and added greek yogurt this morning. I like it better this way, the consistency was different, softer? I don't know how to describe it. I also had two cups of chai tea.

Hit the gym earlier than normal and did 30 min. on the arc trainer and 35 on the elliptical. I love cardio! I wasn't up to getting in a strength workout so I think I'll head back later.

For lunch I had a grilled soynut butter and banana sandwich on Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread. I grilled in on a George Foreman too! haha

I'm super excited because Walgreens opened here and at school my friends and I live off Walgreens. I don't know what I'd do without Walgreens. My mom bought me Skinny Bitch, so I think I'm gona chill outside and read.

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